The Many Faces of Part-List Cuing-Evidence for the Interplay Between Detrimental and Beneficial Mechanisms

Lehmer, Eva-Maria and Baeuml, Karl-Heinz T. (2018) The Many Faces of Part-List Cuing-Evidence for the Interplay Between Detrimental and Beneficial Mechanisms. FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY, 9: 701. ISSN 1664-1078

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If participants study a list of items and, at test, receive a random selection of the studied items as retrieval cues, then such cuing often impairs recall of the remaining items. This effect, referred to as part-list cuing impairment, is a well-established finding in memory research that, over the years, has been attributed to quite different cognitive mechanisms. Here, we provide a review of more recent developments in research on part-list cuing. These developments (i) suggest a new view on part-list cuing impairment and a critical role of encoding for the effect, (ii) identify conditions in which part-list cuing impairment can turn into part-list cuing facilitation, and (iii) relate research on part-list cuing to a phenomenon from social memory, known as collaborative inhibition. The recent developments also include a new multi-mechanisms account, which attributes the effects of cuing to the interplay between detrimental mechanisms-like blocking, inhibition, or strategy disruption-and beneficial mechanisms-like context reactivation. The account provides a useful theoretical framework to describe both older and newer findings. It may guide future work on part-list cuing and may also motivate new research on collaborative inhibition.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: FREE-RECALL; COLLABORATIVE INHIBITION; RETRIEVAL INHIBITION; ORDER INFORMATION; MEMORY; ACCOUNT; TESTS; ORGANIZATION; RECOGNITION; WORDS; episodic memory; retrieval cues; forgetting; context reactivation; collaborative inhibition
Subjects: 100 Philosophy & psychology > 150 Psychology
Divisions: Human Sciences > Institut für Psychologie > Lehrstuhl für Psychologie IV (Entwicklungs- und Kognitionspsychologie) - Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz Bäuml
Depositing User: Petra Gürster
Date Deposited: 30 Jun 2020 12:56
Last Modified: 30 Jun 2020 12:56

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